
Get Started on Your

Whole Food Plant Based Journey!

Solid science has shown that chronic diseases – including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and many types of cancers – can be prevented and sometimes even reversed, simply by changing what we eat.

This information is not new, but it is not widely available either. GingerKale wants to reach more people by offering this information in multiple languages (English, Spanish and Dutch), by communicating in easy-to-understand language and by providing advice to those who want to make a smooth transition to a whole food plant based way of eating.


Whole food plant based nutrition is proven to be the healthiest way of eating. Enjoy a wide variety of tasty and colorful foods.


When choosing not to eat meat anymore, you prevent unnecessary animal cruelty and save hundreds of animal lives each year.


Avoiding animal foods is the single most important thing each individual can do to help protect the environment.

Dr. Campbell is one of the pioneers of the whole food plant based diet. He has conducted multiple, significant studies showing the powerful effect of food on health. We will be discussing his work in detail, but this particular quote from his book Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition sums up his life work nicely: “The closer we get to a whole food plant based diet, the healthier we will be.”

Learn more about Dr Campbell and The China Study.

Dr. Campbell is one of the pioneers of the whole food plant based diet. He has conducted multiple, significant studies showing the powerful effect of food on health. We will be discussing his work in detail, but this particular quote from his book Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition sums up his life work nicely: “The closer we get to a whole food plant based diet, the healthier we will be.”

Learn more about Dr Campbell and The China Study.

This way of eating focuses on maximizing the intake of plant foods, but that’s not all. There is an emphasis on eating plant foods in their purest form (unprocessed).


Plant-Based Foods High in B12

While plant-based diets are a powerhouse of all kinds of nutrients, there are some exceptions. It is not easy to find plant-based foods high in B12. Hence, people following a plant-based lifestyle run the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency and potential health issues....

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What is a WFPBNO diet?

Among the list of all sorts of diets, the WFPBNO diet is a name getting a lot of attention for its possible health benefits. You may or may not have heard about this diet, but one thing is sure - it sounds pretty intriguing. Especially if you are into a plant-based...

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Book Your Coaching Session

We offer plant-based coaching sessions for those who want to transition to a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle, or to those who have already started but are facing challenges. The coaching sessions are aimed at offering motivational and practical advice such as cooking, shopping, family challenges, going out for dinner, overcoming psychological challenges, changing habits, and more. Note: No medical advice is given in the consults.


When you transition to a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle, all sorts of challenges appear on the path. If you are serious about this, you may need to give up some of your favorite foods and flavors and try to replace them for new ones. You may feel limited at first, but you'll be surprised by the variety of new foods and flavors. To help you get started, we've put together a list of 5 simple food tips.

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